Larry Kennan, Cardinal football head coach, and Kim Harle, H-E-B public affairs, display one of the turkeys given during the giveaway.
As the fall semester came to a close, UIW and H-E-B joined together to provide students with a tasty gift to take home to their families. On Dec. 13, as a special gift of thanks from UIW President Dr. Louis Agnese and the university, turkeys were given away on campus to the first 1000 full-time undergraduate students who responded to an email invitation. Faculty, administrators, staff, and H-E-B representatives were on-site to distribute the turkeys and bid students farewell for the holidays.
The UIW student turkey holiday giveaway was phase 2 of UIW’s 2012 holiday bonus awards. Turkeys were also distributed to Sodexo and ARAMARK employees. Despite current economic conditions, UIW was proud to note that this year UIW distributed over 770 H-E-B gift cards to current full-time employees who were employed before June 1, 2012. An annual holiday bonus has been awarded to full-time university employees since 2008.