Alumni gathered at Martha’s Mexican Restaurant and Cantina for the San Antonio-area mixer in August.
San Antonio-area alumni quickly outgrew the reserved area at Martha’s Mexican Restaurant and Cantina where they held their summer mixer in August. And even though the event was scheduled to end at 8 p.m., the last guests didn’t leave until nearly 11 p.m. after a fun night of food, drinks and karaoke.
Todd Ivicic, UIW football defensive coordinator, and Cleo Garza, the Alumni Association Board president, both spoke at the event, focusing on energy and excitement surrounding the growth of UIW, particularly in the area of alumni engagement and involvement.
After attendees had their fill of free nachos and drinks provided by the Office of Alumni Relations, they took to the dance floor and to the karaoke machine.
If you missed this mixer, look out for the next one, scheduled for the spring. For the latest alumni information, visit www.uiwalumni.org.