Students, faculty and staff volunteered their time during spring break to help paint the homes of elderly persons around San Antonio.
UIW students pulled out their paint brushes and reached out to the community to literally “paint the town” over spring break. In conjunction with the City of San Antonio’s Code Compliance Department, a total of 75 student, faculty and staff volunteers took part in UIW’s annual Meet the Mission: Spring Break Edition 2012.
The entire week was spent painting the homes of elderly persons in the San Antonio community.
“When I heard about ‘Meet the Mission’ I was excited to participate,” said UIW student Jon Johnston. “By helping those in need we share the gifts we have with others and we are better able to appreciate what we have.”
“I am utterly humbled and amazed at the students’ generosity, compassion, energy, and passion,” said Sr. Walter Maher, CCVI, vice president of university Mission and ministry. “I rejoice with them when we see the difference that the action taken has made in the lives of the people we served. The gratitude of the homeowners was palpable.”
Meet the Mission is a university-wide week of community service and collaboration between faculty and students, city personnel and other groups who reach out to the community at large by providing necessary services to the underserved and the needy. The program is a continuation of the Mission of service that brought the first Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word to San Antonio in 1881. Community service is an integral part of each student’s educational experience at UIW.