
Book Design and Layout
Michael Hood
Contributing Writers
Debra Del Toro
Patty A. Leos
Dick McCracken, L.H.D., (honorary) '05
Vincent Rodriguez
Special Contributors
Sr. Audrey O’Mahony, CCVI, BA ‘63
Assistant to the President//Mission Effectiveness
Sr. Margaret Patrice Slattery, CCVI, BA ‘52,
L.H.D. (honorary) '98
President Emerita
Michael Hood
Adela Gott
Tommy Hultgren
Online Version
Troy Knickerbocker
Joe Vasquez
Photo of Dr. Earl Jones from The San Antonio Light Collection,
UT Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio, No. L-6503. Courtesy of the Hearst Corporation.
The Word is published by the Public Relations Office of the University of the Incarnate Word for the alumni, parents, benefactors and friends of the Incarnate Word Community.
Dr. Louis J. Agnese, Jr.
Dr. David M. Jurenovich
Vice President for Administration
Sr. Kathleen Coughlin, CCVI, BSN ‘67
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Vincent Rodriguez
Assistant to the President/Communications
Lisa Schultz, BA ‘91, MA ‘95
Director of Alumni Relations
Debra Del Toro
Director of Public Relations
Board of Trustees
Dr. Louis J. Agnese, Jr.
Charlie Amato
Renee Benson
Crystal Campos
David Cibrian
Fully Clingman
Jay Clingman
Alan Dreeben
John Feik
Sr. Marinela Flores
Sr. Eleanor Geever
Gary Henry
Peggy Lewis
Sr. Walter Maher
Sr. Margaret Mary Mannion
Gloria Massey
Sr. Teresa Yolanda Maya
William Moll
Sr. Helena Monahan
John Montford
Patty P. Mueller
Sr. Anne Munley
Dr. Gary Norgan
John Peveto
Sr. Annette Pezold
Marky Pontius
Jesus Rangel
Joseph A. Reyes
Wendi Strong
Emily Thuss
Larry Walker