Dear Friends,
has been a unforgettable spring for me because it marked the 15th
anniversary of my inauguration as president of this fine institution.
In addition, this is the 120th anniversary of the founding of the
University by the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, the
congregation that continues to sponsor us today.
The past 15 years have been memorable ones in our history, which
now spans three centuries. So let me take this opportunity to highlight
a few of the many events that have shaped Incarnate Word since 1986.
Overall university enrollment has tripled, while minority enrollment
quadrupled. Additionally, we now have a strong international student
presence. Just five years ago, less than 1 percent of our students
were from outside the United States. International students today
make-up 8 percent of our student body, and they represent more than
two dozen countries.
We have greatly expanded our academic offerings during this period.
There have been many degree programs added at the undergraduate
and graduate levels, including a Ph.D. in Education that was introduced
three years ago. This is the first doctoral degree ever offered
in Incarnate Word's long history. And we're not standing still.
We have new degree programs in engineering, computer science, athletic
training, and computer graphic arts.
Our physical facilities have also increased. Did you know that
the number of buildings on our campus has doubled from 1986? The
latest addition will be the Natatorium which, barring any unforeseen
delays, should be finished this summer.
Incarnate Word also has spread beyond the borders of San Antonio.
We have a site in Corpus Christi, and last October we opened the
China Incarnate Word Education Center in Guangzhou, making us the
first American university sanctioned by the Chinese government to
offer degrees there. Last year we also began offering classes through
the Virtual University. In essence, the VU now gives us a global
There have been several recent developments related to technology
that will allow us to meet the ever-expanding technological needs
and expectations of our internal and external communities. Last
fall we launched a highly successful program in which students and
faculty will receive an IBM ThinkPad Laptop. This ambitious initiative
made us the largest ThinkPad university in the southern United States.
Related to the laptop initiative, we are transforming ourselves
into a wireless campus, both indoors and outdoors. Once this project
is finished, laptop users will be able to log on to the Internet
from any location on campus without having to plug in their machines.
Several buildings are already wireless, including the J.E. &
L.E. Mabee Library.
We also upgraded our web site. It now features eight languages
and a virtual tour of the campus that allows viewers to explore
the University from anywhere in the world. Potential students, for
example, can apply for admission on-line, while we are now capable
of accepting financial gifts through the site. So if it's been a
while since you last visited the web site, I encourage you to look
at it again (www.uiw.edu).
All these changes and countless others would have been impossible
without the hard work and dedication of many people across the campus,
as well as alumni, members of the Development Board and our Board
of Trustees. Your energy and devotion have been crucial in all that
we have accomplished, so please accept my heartfelt thanks for your
steadfast support.
And while the University of the Incarnate Word has changed much
in the last 15 years, and will undoubtedly continue evolving, our
mission and objectives have never wavered: To improve the educational
experience of students by fostering excellence in a context of faith.
Please remember - let us hear from you. We need to weave your story
into that of Incarnate Word. Only then will we realize the breadth
and depth of our rich heritage. Let me urge you to make a difference
in your world by getting involved. God Bless.
Louis J. Agnese, Jr.