Dear Friends,

I like to say that, as president, I am blessed to see the best of UIW every day. While that is certainly true, I am far from the only one so blessed. In San Antonio, and indeed throughout our international community, many families see our Mission in action every day through our graduates who are teachers.

In classrooms from pre-kindergarten through high school, young learners are guided and encouraged, educated and inspired by teachers prepared the Incarnate Word way. Each certainly works to instill critical skills and essential understanding, but they do much more. Many become mentors, support systems and models of ethical leadership. As the role of the professional educator grows and teachers face challenges that their predecessors did not, each considers every day how to best serve their students and their families.

Many of our alumni and Incarnate Word community members wonder the same as we move forward along our own paths and in our own professions. When we consider how to best respond to the needs of our families, communities, peers, patients, clients, or others who may benefit from our unique gifts or blessings, we become Mission minded. When we intentionally act upon those reflections, we put the Mission into action.

I’d like to invite you, dear alumni and members of our community, to share how you have seen the Mission come alive in your lives and in the lives of those around you. Tell us, how does it serve you and how does it guide you to serve others? Through our collective efforts, we are continuing the work of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word 150 years after their founding and lifting people’s lives in the process. That truly is UIW at its best.

Praised be the Incarnate Word!

Thomas M. Evans, PhD
